Saturday, May 12, 2012

Last big day out in Cusco .... for 2012

What a day - first the blessing of the brewery ... oh and the update on that.... The extra that was added to the pot was a symbolic 'fox tail' and a porcelain cat with an upright waving paw was purchased for the brewery - for good fortune.  This venture should really do well!!!!

Zac, Lex ... and Duncan managed to make another brew before going to the bar to connect the keg.

Familiar look of concentration!!!!

We were joined in Norton's (after making our way down the street 'bar to bar') by a number of Zac and Milka's friends that we have come to know over here.  Great bunch of people!!!  We really appreciate their friendship and the way they have welcomed us into their community.  We feel very blessed.  

BIG thanks also to Zac and Milka - not many people would have in-laws staying with them for 8 months!!!!!  But it's been an amazing opportunity to appreciate and enjoy their families, country, culture and lifestyle and this fascinating place!!!  Love you heaps!!!

We will be back!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The brewery has been blessed - Quechan style

How do you write about something you don't understand????

This morning Zac and Milka organised a 'blessing ceremony' for the brewery ... for suerte - or good luck.
It was reminiscent of the Spring ceremony we attended a few years ago where offerings were placed in a hole in the ground for Pachamama - Mother Earth - who presides over the planting and sowing of seeds as well as harvest time.

In this ceremony offerings were placed in a ceramic bowl which remains in the brewery facing the doorway.  When I left this morning there was still one more item to be included, but still to be purchased, to complete the ritual.

Again I say - how can I write about something I don't understand.  Tell it like I saw it.  Although it was a Quechan ceremony, there were obvious Catholic gestures included - such a mix of cultures and religion!!!

Milka and I met Senor Pancho near the house and took him up to the brewery were production was underway.  He spread out a poncho on the floor and set out all his items .... so many things all individually wrapped or in small plastic bags.

 Items included many types of grains, powders, herbs (I think), fibres, ribbons (in Cusco and Peru colours), small plastic figures, money, flowers, wine, biscuits.... oh and coca leaves.

To begin - the smoking stuff was lit - like I said, I don't know or understand what everything was.  Coca leaves were sorted and only perfectly shaped leaves were selected.  Wine was opened and splashed around the floor.  The small ceramic bowl was lined with floral paper ... and then items were specifically selected to be blessed and then gently placed into the bowl.

The bottom was lined with coca leaves - Senor Pancho had selected groups of three - Quechan words were spoken before each set was carefully positioned in the bottom of the bowl.  His actions were very deliberate.  Nothing random about it.  There seemed to be a particular order to the way items were selected and positioned.

The bowl was full but more items were added including some small dried FISH - possibly anchovies!!!

Eventually the bowl was full!! Some sparkly gold thread was wound around everything, then a wad of cotton wool and the lid was tied on with ribbon.  

More Quechan words spoken ...a bell and small shaker moved over the top of the offering.  I'm sure it all means something..

Eventually it was handed to Zac and placed in a lofty position facing towards the door.

I think there was more to come - this had already taken an hour. So watch for an update .... not sure what it includes, but I know they place alpaca foetus under the foundations of a new house ..... so I can't wait to see what else they have!!!  

In discussion we discovered that Senor Pancho lies near Ausengate - the high snow covered mountain that we admire from the pedestrian walkway over Calle Cultura.  I so want to go there..... hopefully next time.  Every encounter brings new opportunities.  This one is no different - I think Zac and Milka have an invitation to visit the Senor!!!

This morning I had planned to go for a haircut .... but it was more important to record this.  Guess the haircut will have to wait until we get back to Sydney.  Sure to find a hairdresser there, bet it will cost more than my last haircut - S/7  even cheaper than my S/10 manicure!!!!

So many more pictures of the brewery and the blessing ceremony in this slideshow.

Shopping .. last days

Have left quite a bit of shopping until the last.  That way I have a good idea of what I want - certainly looked around plenty!!!!  There's so much here - but I really don't NEED anything for myself.  Some things are really cheap.  Where else can you buy 3 pairs of earrings for S/5 or around $2???  Yes I have some of those!

There's just some lovely experiences...

I bought some of these lovely passport covers -

Bargained to two-thirds of the price.  Before we even said we wanted any, she had dropped the price by S/3 ... which is the price I previously paid.  So we asked for lower price for quantity, and she readily accepted.  It's not always that easy, and we don't always do it.  But the interesting thing was that as we left the store she handed us both a 'regalo' - gift.  Two pens with Peruvian characters on the top.  Amazing!!!

I also bought some of these wrist bands.  So colourful and CHEAP  .. S/1 each.  Same prices as 5 years ago.  Have seen similar ones on sale in France and Australia - but not even for $1.  So I bought 10..... was given an extra one as well.  When the items were packaged and money exchanged, The lady gave me a BIG hug .... Gracias.  Amazing.  She sells lots of hand made jewellery, makes a lot there herself, and I've only ever bought these cheap wrist bands.

I'm starting to wonder if these people recognise me .... or do they know this is my last shopping spree.  We are finally going home???  

Not all shopping experiences are as pleasant.  There are LOTS of traders walking the streets trying to sell paintings, musical instruments, dolls, hats, scarves, jumpers, photos....... etc

Many of these traders are young women carrying bags of goods as well as a baby on their back.  They are trying to make a living, but they really don't give up.  NO apparently means 'maybe'.  Carrying bags of last minute shopping we were an obvious target ... 'bags' means 'hey these people are buying!!'  A young lady selling beanies was very persistent.  I made a mistake of showing slight interest - after all they are really nice.... and she was dropping her price with each NO, but were were soon confronted with about 6 others trying to get a look in with their wares.  Lex was sooooo unimpressed.  'Not polite' words were spoken but she followed us for another block before giving up.  I really would have bought one .... but I had really spent everything I was carrying that day.

Oh well .... one more shopping day to go.  Wonder what treasures that may bring.