Lima that is. Although you may have imagined that to be the case after my first Lima blog. I did.... I have to say. The taxi ride from the airport ... and our arrival here was .... not leaving me with any feelings of safety or even interest in exploring this city. I thought I was going to stay in this hotel for 3 days.
We had 2 days with Zac showing us some sites, both in the city near our hotel and in the more outlying areas. We've seen such amazing contrasts, from affluent areas to very small children begging in the street.
But today was an absolute highlight. Not only did we experience a cultural extravaganza, but I felt amazingly included in the experience. I wandered the streets freely (on my own ... Sophie's bag over my shoulder and camera in my hand). People were so friendly ... talking to me, trying to explain the significance of the event, inviting me into the front of the group to take photos, getting into photos with me ... even dancing with me in the street (and since it was late morning - early afternoon, we hadn't even started on the vino tinto). As usual, there were lots of security guards and police around. The plaza is bordered on one side by the palace, and there were guards all along that sidewalk stopping people from walking or assembling on the footpath.
It was a truely emotional experience... one that was so totally unexpected.
After that I felt completely safe in this city. We ventured out again in the afternoon (after downloading photos and putting the camera on to charge) ... this time to get a bite to eat ... it was nearly 3pm and we had a tour meeting at 5.30pm followed by a group dinner. This time I took nothing with me - no bag, or camera, or water bottle. What a liberating feeling that is. Nothing to guard.
We headed off to find the supermarket. Had heard you could get good food there and it's charged by the kilo. True. Huge range of food - cafeteria style and when you go to pay, the plate is weight and you're charged ... about 7soles/half kiko or about $4/kilo. It was delicious - not hot, but there was a microwave where others were re-heating their food. And we had a live music accompaniment - pan pipes no less. Some supermarket.
On wandering around the supermarket we realised that we could have eaten for less than 7 soles/half kilo ... much less in fact. There were so many attendants offering tastes of various products. Naturally we tried everything from dairy products (strawberrry drinking yoghurt ... which some of you may have experienced but where we come from ... maybe not) to alcoholic beverages. The Pisco Sour was terrific, but the mix of pisco with strawberry drinking yoghurt was awesome. All this, of course was being described to us in Spanish ... and let me tell you that Lex's Spanish lessons didn't extend to food tasing in a supermarket. Somehow we got a message across that we are currently into red wine (vino tinto) ... she mde a suggestion ... and followed it up by offering us a glass to taste. We were won.
Naturally we needed something to help us blogging. Do you realise that there's always a bit of a lull while we are waiting for photos to upload. A girl has gotta do something to fill in the time. All good experience.
Tonight's tour meeting was another .... Zac does his job really well - so proud of him. He is very good with people, making everyone feel relaxed and welcome. Probably not the easiest with your parents watching.
Tomorrow we hit the road... better not be late for the bus as he's left no illusion about punctuality... We will be there.