Thursday, June 28, 2007

More achievements to count....

Today we managed to book some accommodation for the next few days. We're going to Rouen on Friday!!!! How do we get there ... who knows at this stage.... that's the adventure.

We also found a cafe with free wifi so we successfully uploaded lots of photos to flickr. Check them out ... no descriptions at this stage ... but that takes time.

Visited Notre Dame ... another impressive structure!!! WOW. Didn't join the queue to climb to the top ... did that at Sacre-Coeur... but we went inside. We obeyed the no photos sign for most of the time (with cameras flashing all around us I might add) ... cribbed just a few. They will never show it as it is. Stunning.

Then we set off on a nearby geocache trail ... a mystery one with several waypoint mysteries. Think we have the final location of the cache ... but it's in a garden bed just outside a restaurant window .... where some people were sitting!!! Will have to return at a quieter time. If there is one!!

Also met up with a NZ couple we met the previous day for dinner. Mussels again ... Lex is enjoying these. Wish I'd taken a photo of that!! The adventure continues .....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there - your old travel companions here..... sound like you two are having a wonderful time and becoming VERY seasoned travellers. Very proud of you. I can't believe you've had to buy a new camera AND a lap top! I guess the camera did well, considering what it went through. Keep having fun and we'll see you back in Aus at Xmas time. We r in Edinburgh now. Weather is OK - sometimes.