Monday, January 16, 2012

Beer and Bingo

This is a catch-up from previous weekend.)

Bingo ... universal language.  But a great way to learn numbers in Spanish. I think I know numbers until a stall holder tells me the cost of an item.  Then I'm not so sure.  Bingo is a Sunday tradition for the family in Iquitos, so I wasn't surprised when Milka turned up with a Bingo game kit.



So we filled in Sunday afternoon, after a BBQ with Bingo .... for just a few soles to make it interesting.  Good fun. Day started off quite warm, but got colder during the afternoon - we added more layers, until we finally gave in and moved inside!

Also managed to find some salmon steaks for the BBQ - Delicious!!

Talking of food - there are many things we can't seem to find here in Cusco, although I understand Lima has greater range.  And until recently, most beef we have had here in Peru has been tough - unlike Argentinian beef.  But recently we have had some exquisite beef - some bought from a meat trader in a local mercado, and some bought from a speciality shop.  So we've enjoyed some great BBQs and have also been a little more adventurous ordering great steak in restaurants.  I've been more adventurous ordering alpaca steak too - and been really pleasantly surprised at how tender and tasty it has been.
Earlier in the week, we took Sara along on one of our walking expeditions, and locating a geocache.  Lex is wishing he had brought his GPS with him this trip - may have also been useful in giving us altitude readings at various locations. We didn't plan a BIG walk, but did include the 500+ steps for the home trip.  I must be a bit fitter as I didn't suffer afterwards.


 On the way down the l-o-n-g stairs, we just had to check out progress on a construction site we had seen previously.  They are still hard at it - shifting tons of dirt and rubble via wheelbarrows, down steep slopes and then disposing of contents down a series of long orange pipes.  Tedious and labour intensive - but it works .... slowly!




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