Thursday, March 22, 2012

But wait, there's more.... I could be a godmother

After our fabulous day dyeing wool in Chinchero, Sophie was to get samples of all the colours, so we visited Hillaria in her Cusco shop.  Actually we returned twice - once to show Tish and Al one of favourite experiences and a second time to collect Sophie's samples and give Hillaria some photos of our day at her family home.

My Spanish is not very good..... still, but it's such a sense of achievement, as well as a much richer experience when we are able to engage in some conversation like these visits to Hillaria's shop.

Our first visit with Tish and Al was one of these.  Both Hillaria and her sister Augusta were in the shop and they had all the wool that had been dyed the previous weekend.

Augusta was spinning some of the dyed wool, and tried to give me a lesson in spinning.  Even with a LOT more practice, it would take me months to spin one of these!

Augusta also had her 2 year old son in the shop..... meet Augusto

He was very engaging, but we made the mistake of referring to him as 'she' - he has quite long hair tied up in pig-tails.  Augusta explained to us that he hadn't had his first haircut - that would take place after his baptism in May, and be performed by his padrino (god-father).  Her would in fact have 2 god-fathers - one for the church baptism and one to cut his hair.  Then she asked if I would like to be Augusta's madrina (god-mother).  Sophie was similarly asked.  WOW!!!  We both declined - don't think we will still be here in May, but who knows???  But wouldn't that be another amazing experience to write home about!!

The next day we returned to pick up Sophie's samples.  Not sure what she is going to do with them, but they will always bring back some fantastic memories.
Mmmm Nice poncho Sophie.

Hey, look.  I got it!!!

Oh.. did I mention that Sophie made a few purchases from Hillaria as well.  Their textiles may be more expensive than some other places, but the quality is definitely there .... and you just can't put a price on the experiences we've had!

Time for celebration - dinner at Limo.  Yum!!

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