Thursday, August 06, 2009

Getting behind

3 days since I last blogged and now it´s out of control. Will upload as many pics as I can .... and add some highlights.

We often seem to start off with only a brief plan... maybe even start somewhere, but we always end up with more than expected. Last Monday we met Zac for lunch ... another place we wouldn
´t ever have found, but another delight. After that we wandered around the city... and stumbled across a courtyard full of HUGE papier mache models. Apparently this was an art school. We
may even have seen some of these being paraded around the streets... not sure how they get them through the arch and out of the courtyard.

Then we wandered down to San Pedro Market ... a local market area - been here before with Zac and Milka, and Lex wanted to treat Jeff to a local ´special fruit juice´... made with everything on the stand, including milk, fruit, carrots, honey, black beer.......

Jill and I explored a bit while they sat there and ´talked´to their juice lady. We even managed to purchase some bananas and some palta -avocados. Some parts of the market were not so enticing ... the offal section.

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