Monday, August 10, 2009

The house is filling up

Deciding to opt out of the hen's night, Jill and I came home from a successful shopping experience to meet Milka's dad. By successful, I mean we successfully managed to get from the Artisans Market where some purchases were bargained for. to a supermarket to buy household necessities, and home again. A simple task you might think – but think again. We managed to hail a taxi (stick your hand out and hope the car that stops is a taxi), tell the driver that you want to go to the 'Mega Mart' and how much will that cost– and he then comes back with a string of Spanish (I presume he's asking me which Mega Mart ... I know of at least 2 here) ... all I can say is 'No entiendo' and hope that we arrive at a Mega mart. The cost of 3 soles is now the least of our concerns ... but we are dropped off at a mega mart which I am familiar with, successfully make our purchases, and then get another taxi to home ... 'A Kennedy A, enfrente Inca Sur' .... see I have memorized our address, but that's the first time I have had to give the directions. I count that as 'successful'!

By this stage we are congratulating ourselves on our progress with Spanish... now for another experience – sharing a meal with Milka's mum, dad and niece, none of whom speak very much English, and no translators. Milka understands quite a bit of English, but sometimes has difficulty finding the English words to express what she wants to say. On these occasions she usually refers to Zac, or calls him on the phone if he's not around, and passes the phone to us for him to explain what she is trying to say. Tonight, Jill and I are on our own with Gladys, Miguel and Ximena ..... and a dictionary!!!!

We got the message that Milka's family think very highly of Zac ... opressio – esteem.

The house is filling up – lucky we're no longer in the small flat! There's 10 of us here tonight.

Lex said he met a young lady tonight, danced with her, and when it was time for home she got into the taxi with them - he wondered where they were dropping her off.... to discover she's staying here with us. Jeff tells a different story ... about a girl he met last night and brought home in a taxi...

Meet Isabelle, one of Milka's bridesmaids. Zac, Milka and Isabelle are on the floor tonight .... and although we feel somewhat uncomfortable, they wouldn't have it any other way. The more the merrier!!

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