Thursday, May 24, 2007

Coffee comment

Coffee in Argentina is as I like it .... not too strong. It took us ages to work out coffee in other countries (Chile, Peru and Bolivia). It was SOOOO strong, and not hot. Took us a long time to work it out ... but the tip is worth sharing.

There's usually a Pot of coffee, an urn with hot water, another with milk as well as one with chocolate. So we were filling our cup with coffee, leaving a little space for milk... The coffee was like syrup. Bit like the coffee essence I remember from iced coffee days. So the tip is, put a small amount of coffee in the cup, like about a teaspoon, then fill it with hot water, and add milk. Easy when you know. I only thought about it again when we sat with a new tour member in La Paz, and she had a cup of cold, syruppy coffee.


1 comment:

Sophie said...

Sounds like an "Ahahh!!!" moment where the light bulb goes on and you wonder why you hadn't thought of it...