Friday, May 18, 2007

Island adventure...

Wow, what an adventure!!!

Started early with a crazy bicycle taxi ride to the port from our hotel. Must have been 17 bicycle taxix lined up in the narrow street outside our hotel. Time to go and we were off. Rules don´t seem to apply here. The driver charged across intersections, like he had right of way, and weaved his way through the traffic. It was unbelievable. I couldn´t stop laughing!!!

BTW... I think the tooting really means ...´Get out of my way, I´m coming through!´ These drivers use it all the time!!

Floating islands of Uros was like our Machu Picchu experience. So amazing!!! Doesn´t make any difference how much you read or hear about this place, it really doesn´t prepare you for it. There are LOTS of these island communities - about 30. We stopped at one, and were made to feel so welcome by the families. One small group on the island couldn´t get on with the others, so they sliced through the reeds and moved their little patch of island to another spot. Unbelievable. Our guide described island life and customs, and then we went off with a family member to see their house. Very sparce, but comfortable... reed platform with a matress, reed floor of course, small table and some reed seats. Also saw the handicrafts they produce. More special when you see them making the items. Beautiful embroideries!!! Next we went for a ride in one of their reed boats. Lex got to paddle this time. He was stoked!!! They all wear traditional dress and live such a simple lifestyle. Everything revolves around daily living. Reeds have to bee added to or replaced frequently, food to be grown, caught or dried for other seasons, and items produced for sale to tourists. It´s startling to see all this but even more surprising when you realise that these islands are only about half hour boat ride from Puno!!!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

That too sounds like quite an experience!! I hope that you're getting photos, even though you can't post them