Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bastille Day ... and little Sophie's birthday!!!

Happy Birthday!! We've been to the Bastille Day celebrations here in Dijon tonight ... a massive light and sound extravaganza on around the lake ... big lights, fireworks and accompanied by the Orchestra de Bourgogne ... booming out. It was very impressive, with the fireworks reflecting on the surface of the lake. We managed to find a ......

Just checking in this ,orning to find thqt the post I creqted lqst night didnùt sqve1111 So noz I q, zriting on the hotel co,puter :::: very bqdly qs you cqn see 9if you cqn reqd this0 becquse this is q FRENCH keyboqrd qnd the letters qre in the ZRONG plqces11111

It is too hard ... takes too long to type when you have to watch all the letters _ have trouble finding some letters and symbols .... and even greater trouble getting the, to work!!!! You can laugh, but you really have to have experienced it to understand what I mean. Some keys have 3 letters/symbols on them ... and I can't get the one I want!!!! So I promise to catch up on this post soon. I also thought I uploaded pics last night ... maybe they worked. Ever Hopeful

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Funnily enough I could read most of the French keyboard jumble. Would love to know what it was you found....