Wednesday, July 04, 2007

We made it ... we have a new home!!!

Driving in France ... what an experience!!!! But we did it ... or rather Lex did. How good is that. It's one thing to be driving on (what feels like) the wrong side of the road ... but another to go round the round abouts the wrong way ... and to give way to traffic from the left .... They tried to give us a bigger car, but we said no, no, no. Just as well, Lex was driving very close to the right hand side ... to keep as far away from oncoming traffic as possible ... I thought we were going to slip into the drains. Have parked the car ... may stay where it is for a while...

Home is another dream!! We're only 50m from the beach ... I can see it from the window and hear the waves. Check out the view from our window!!! Added bonus is that we have wireless connection as well (don't know where it's coming from, but it works!).

'BEACH' is a bit of an exaggeration. We had a picnic on the 'beach'. At the time it was very, very windy, and cloudy. We walked along the beachfront to the harbour and watched some big boats come in. Then headed off to explore some of the town.

Came across the Benedictine Palais ... did the tour ... ornate building built in 1900, contains art exhibition and museum artifacts .... as well as a distillary!!! Benedictine, of course. That was interesting and very delicious .... smooth!

Took a 'short' walk up the beach later in the afternoon (I'm never believing Lex again!) ... about two and a half hours later we made it back home. We had walked along the beach ... up a stairway in a break in the cliffs (no idea where we were) ... cross country through a 'Circuit Six' route we think .... through residential back streets and finally back home. Some short walk.

Managed to catch a sunset this evening as well ... around 10pm. Hoping for a sunny day again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hey you two. We are soooooo jealous. State of Origin tonight. Dallas is locked in the bedroom while the kids watch Disney. We have two teachers from school going to South America in Term 4. They may want to chat sometimes. Keep enjoying every minute. Love yas. Dallas, Suz and the family.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lex and Judy,
What a great time you guys are having. So many weird, wonderful and exciting experiences and… topped off by the Tour. I sat up until 2am watching you for you near the cobble stones waving an Aussie flag but even in slow mo – no success. A bit like Robbie who was bashed out of it by some South African maniac. Thinking of you both all the time – particularly now Le Tour is on and am up watching it every night. Thoroughly enjoying the blogs and surprise of great surprises – received your post card today from Peru. Thank you so much and how timely given it is just over 12 months since we stayed at your humble abode. Keep being safe – as safe as you can on French roads anyway and look forward to hearing more of your adventures – maybe I can get another song out of them.
The Malone’s