Thursday, September 08, 2011

Two spectacular flights over Peru. Amazing Amazing

Lex is like a big kid when it comes to flying .... he just have to have a window seat.  And he thoroughly enjoys it and makes the most of the window position.  Unfortunately, he missed out on one of these flights ... and was totally disgusted as his window occupying neighbour promptly went to sleep and slept the entire way!!!

First spectacular flight was from Iquitos to Lima ... over the jungle and the Amazon basin.  It is a spectacular sight to appreciate the forces of nature - easy to see where the rivers change over time, creating oxbows!  There's so much jungle and small communities along the riverbanks.  I wonder how they go in the wet season when the river levels rise.  It would be interesting to see this sight again during the wet seasons.

Lex took soooo many photos from the plane, only uploading some here and a few more to picasa album.  Trust me ... there are more.

Then as we approached Lima, the views changes to snow-capped mountains.  Lima is shrouded in thick gray fog (which apparently is normal from June to Dec).  Look forward to seeing this site when it is clearer next year.

Second amazing flight was from Lima to Cusco, have done this one before, but from the other side of the plane.  It was cloudy most of the way, and we missed the spectacular mountain views as the plane comes in to Cusco, but the sight of the snow-capped peaks jutting above the cloud was spectacular itself.  Lex managed to reach across in front of his sleeping neighbour to take these snaps.  So funny.

And we arrived in Cusco in much better condition than our previous trip!!  Yeah!!

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