Sunday, September 04, 2011

Washing done ... thanks Zac

It all seems so easy, but without a translator it would have been oh so different.

One bag of laundry (2 kg) cost - s/6 (6 soles)  or about $2
Taxi ride to the laundry lady s/2 each way - total s/8 or about $3.

So much cheaper than the laundry service offered here at the hotel (per item cost starting at s/2 for socks!!) - and it was ready by 7pm the same night.  Gotta love that.  And of course any trip in a moto-taxi is an adventure. 


Jill said...

So did they iron the socks and singlets like in Salta?

Lex and Judy said...

No. Not for $2. But all neatly folded.