Friday, December 02, 2011

Paddling in Patagonia!!!! Fan-bloody-tastic!!!!

Packed up our camp ... then sat around waiting to go for our kayak experience.  Wind was getting up - and we feelings of  'Whose idea was this?'  We couldn't book in for the trip until 3pm - meaning we would not arrive at our next destination until 9pm - at least.

Lou just had time to mend Ritchie's jeans.

Then out to the Largo Gray - WOW ... we could see the glacier AND icebergs in the lake.  

Met our guides and then decked out for the trip - all the gear.  Will write this up at the next stop - but for now .... enjoy a couple of pictures!!!!   Bloody AMAZING experience.  So privileged to be here!!!!

We didn't finish kayaking until almost 7pm - then a 2.5 hour trip to Puerto Natales. Recommended restaurant was Afrogonia -  

WOW - incredible to find such fabulous food here!!!  Really enjoyed the salmon ceviche!!!! Didn't even order our meal till around 10pm .... and we weren't the last customers.  

A King Crab entree - crab 3 ways.  Delicious

1 comment:

Don said...

For Lex to be out paddling in this scenery, he must have been beside himself.