Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Xmas celebrations continue

Xmas morning here in Peru is like Xmas morning anywhere - and always more enjoyable when you can share it with family and friends.  And we were able to catch up with family back home during the past couple of days, courtesy of Skype.  Looks like everyone had a great day, where ever Xmas was celebrated.

Here we started with breakfast -
... and opening presents...



We didn't start preparing Xmas lunch until early/mid afternoon - BBQ had to be moved onto the patio out of the rain.  BBQ beef, chicken and chorizo sausages - prepared by Zac and Lex.


And the ladies managed to keep warm in the kitchen ..... and cook some yummy vegetables at the same time!!

We found a warm spot beside the hot oven. 

A really enjoyable lunch - beef was nearly as good as Argentinean beef.  That was a surprise.  Chicken coated in Macadamia and Lemon Myrtle dukkah - delicious!  And roast vegetables .. or ensalada verduras. As well as ensalada ..... and rice.

And finished off with Lucama and Vanilla Vienetta (Vienetta is a family favourite for Xmas - this was a surprising find!)

Lots of good food, family chit-chat, good cheer - a joyous time all round!!!  Hope your day was as good as ours.


Sophie said...

You had Vienetta?... and macadamia and lemon myrtle crusted chicken.... you sure did add the aussie spin :D

Jayne said...

Merry Christmas Judy & family...and a very happy New Year. It looks cold there in Peru - but not cold enough for wine! :-)
Retirement suits you...so jealous!

Lex and Judy said...

Yes Jayne - but we should have had mulled wine. Warmer would have been better. This summer!!! But colder than a few months ago because of the rain. Even had snow on the nearby mountains Boxing Day. Definitely enjoying retirement!!!